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Stephen King – Doctor Sleep

Stephen King has been talking about his sequel to The Shining while making book tour appearances. At the George Mason Awards ceremony he discussed the book and read a short excerpt. King was 64 last week. 

King briefly laid out his tentative plan for the novel, which would see the emotionally scarred Danny Torrance, now a 40-year-old orderly at a hospice for the terminally ill in upstate New York. But Danny’s real job is to “visit with patients who are just about to pass on to the other side, and to help them make that journey with the aid of his mysterious powers.” And on the side, Danny bets on the horse races, a trick he learned from his old friend Dick. The title of the book is “Doctor Sleep.”

His official website posted this news yesterday: “It’s now official–Stephen is working on Dr. Sleep, the sequel to The Shining.  This weekend Steve read an excerpt from this at his appearance at George Mason University.  They have given us permission to post their taping of the event here on Steve’s site which we will do as soon as we receive the file.  Dr. Sleep’s plot includes a traveling group of vampires called The Tribe which is part of the passage he read from.”

One response

  1. I can not wait for this book!

    September 28, 2011 at 6:14 pm

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